Dr. Andrii Mironchenko's list of publications
The titles are links to the official versions of the publications. Preprint versions can be downloaded via link "pdf". The BibTex-formatted citation can be seen via the link "BibTeX".
The whole list of BibTeX-citations can be downloaded here.
Books- Mironchenko, A. Input-to-State Stability: Theory and Applications. Springer Nature, 2023. BibTeX
Articles- Arora, S. and Mironchenko, A. Input-to-state stability in integral norms for linear infinite-dimensional systems. Submitted to SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2025. BibTeX
- Glück, J. and Mironchenko, A. Stability criteria for positive semigroups on ordered Banach spaces. Journal of Evolution Equations, 25 (12), 2025. BibTeX
- Kilian, A.; Maschke, B.; Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems with a stationary interface. European Journal of Control: 101190, 2025. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Schwenninger, F. Quadratic ISS Lyapunov functions for linear analytic systems. Submitted to Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 2025. BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Modeling and stability analysis of live systems with time-varying dimension. Submitted. Preprint is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.15991., 2025. BibTeX
- Lucas Brivadis,; Antoine Chaillet,; Andrii Mironchenko, and Wirth, F. Forward completeness implies boundedness of reachability sets for time-delay systems on the state space of essentially bounded measurable functions. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8: 1667-1672, 2024. BibTeX
- Bachmann, P.; Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Characterization of input-to-output stability for infinite dimensional systems. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024. BibTeX
- Chaillet, A.; Wirth, F.; Mironchenko, A. and Brivadis, L. For time-invariant delay systems, global asymptotic stability does not imply uniform global attractivity. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8: 484-489, 2024. BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Well-posedness and properties of the flow for semilinear evolution equations. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 36: 483-523, 2024. pdf BibTeX
- Kilian, A.; Maschke, B.; Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. A case study of port-Hamiltonian systems with a moving interface. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7: 1572-1577, 2023. pdf BibTeX
- Kawan, C.; Mironchenko, A. and Zamani, M. A Lyapunov-based ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks of nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68 (3): 1447-1462, 2023. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Lyapunov criteria for robust forward completeness of distributed parameter systems. Systems & Control Letters, 142: 110363, 2023. pdf BibTeX
- Jacob, B.; Mironchenko, A. and Schwenninger, F. Input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 34 (1): 215-216, 2022. BibTeX
- Noroozi, N.; Mironchenko, A.; Kawan, C. and Zamani, M. A small-gain theorem for set stability of infinite networks: Distributed observation and ISS for time-varying networks. European Journal of Control, 67: 100634, 2022. pdf BibTeX
- Noroozi, N.; Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. A relaxed small-gain theorem for discrete-time infinite networks. Automatica, 142: 110363, 2022. pdf BibTeX
- Glück, J. and Mironchenko, A. Stability criteria for positive linear discrete-time systems. Positivity, 25 (5): 2029-2059, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Kawan, C.; Mironchenko, A.; Swikir, A.; Noroozi, N. and Zamani, M. A Lyapunov-based small-gain theorem for infinite networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66 (12): 5830-5844, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Kawan, C. and Gl"uck, J. Nonlinear small-gain theorems for input-to-state stability of infinite interconnections. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 33: 573-615, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Noroozi, N.; Kawan, C. and Zamani, M. ISS small-gain criteria for infinite networks with linear gain functions. Systems & Control Letters, "157": "105051", 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Prieur, C. and Wirth, F. Local stabilization of an unstable parabolic equation via saturated controls. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66 (5): 2162-2176, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Non-uniform ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 38 (4): 1029-1045, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Small gain theorems for general networks of heterogeneous infinite-dimensional systems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59 (2): 1393-1419, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Noroozi, N.; Mironchenko, A.; Kawan, C. and Zamani, M. Set stability of infinite networks: ISS small-gain theory and its applications. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (9): 72-77, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Jacob, B.; Mironchenko, A.; Partington, J. R and Wirth, F. Noncoercive Lyapunov functions for input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58 (5): 2952-2978, 2020. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Prieur, C. Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems: Recent results and open questions. SIAM Review, 62 (3): 529-614, 2020. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Mironchenko, A.; Schmid, J. and Wirth, F. Stability of infinitely many interconnected systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (16): 550-555, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Karafyllis, I. and Krstic, M. Monotonicity methods for input-to-state stability of nonlinear parabolic PDEs with boundary disturbances. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57 (1): 510-532, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Non-coercive Lyapunov functions for infinite-dimensional systems. Journal of Differential Equations, 105: 7038-7072, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Existence of non-coercive Lyapunov functions is equivalent to integral uniform global asymptotic stability. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 31 (4): 1-26, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Criteria for input-to-state practical stability. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64 (1): 298-304, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Yang, G. and Liberzon, D. Lyapunov small-gain theorems for networks of not necessarily ISS hybrid systems. Automatica, 88: 10-20, 2018. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Lyapunov characterization of input-to-state stability for semilinear control systems over Banach spaces. Systems & Control Letters, 119: 64-70, 2018. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Characterizations of input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63 (6): 1602-1617, 2018. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Uniform weak attractivity and criteria for practical global asymptotic stability. Systems & Control Letters, 105: 92-99, 2017. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Ito, H. Characterizations of integral input-to-state stability for bilinear systems in infinite dimensions. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 6 (3): 447-466, 2016. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Local input-to-state stability: Characterizations and counterexamples. Systems & Control Letters, 87: 23-28, 2016. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Wirth, F. and Wulff, K. Stabilization of switched linear differential algebraic equations and periodic switching. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (8): 2102-2113, 2015. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Ito, H. Construction of Lyapunov Functions for Interconnected Parabolic Systems: An iISS Approach. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53 (6): 3364-3382, 2015. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Kozlowski, J. Optimal allocation patterns and optimal seed mass of a perennial plant. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 354: 12-24, 2014. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional control systems. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 25 (1): 1-35, 2013. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Input-to-state stability of nonlinear impulsive systems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51 (3): 1962-1987, 2013. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Kosmykov, M.; Mironchenko, A. and Naujok, L. Stability of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time delays, using Lyapunov methods. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 6 (3): 899-915, 2012. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Görges, M.; Kosmykov, M.; Mironchenko, A. and Naujok, L. Modeling and stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks. Logistics Research, 3 (2): 145-157, 2011. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Kreowski, H. J.; Kuske, S.; Mironchenko, A.; Naujok, L. and Von Totth, C. Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability. International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IEJPAM), 2 (1): 17-42, 2010. BibTeX
Collections- Dashkovskiy, S.; Mironchenko, A. and Naujok, L. Autonomous and central control of production networks. Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics, pages 27-43, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. BibTeX
In Proceedings- Chen, Q.; Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Lyapunov criterion for output-to-state stability of distributed parameter systems. Submitted to 5th IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations (CPDE 2025), 2025. BibTeX
- Bachmann, P.; Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Superposition theorems for input-to-output stability of infinite dimensional systems. Proc. of 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3434-3439, IEEE, 2024. BibTeX
- Andrii Mironchenko,; Fabian Wirth,; Antoine Chaillet, and Brivadis, L. ISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem with point-wise dissipation: a $V$-stability approach. Proc. of 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 7896-7901, IEEE, 2024. BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Schwenninger, F. Coercive quadratic ISS Lyapunov functions for analytic systems. Proc. of 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4699-4704, IEEE, 2023. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Live systems of varying dimension: modeling and stability. Proc. of 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3956-3961, IEEE, 2023. pdf BibTeX
- Glück, J. and Mironchenko, A. Revisiting stability of positive linear discrete-time systems. Proc. of 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 126-131, 2022. pdf BibTeX
- Kawan, C.; Mironchenko, A. and Zamani, M. Construction of ISS Lyapunov functions for infinite networks of ISS systems. Proc. of 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4811-4816, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Noroozi, N.; Kawan, C. and Zamani, M. A small-gain approach to ISS of infinite networks with homogeneous gain operators. Proc. of 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4817-4822, 2021. pdf BibTeX
- Kawan, C.; Mironchenko, A.; Swikir, A.; Noroozi, N. and Zamani, M. A spectral small-gain condition for input-to-state stability of infinite networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine, pages 5303-5308, 2020. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Lyapunov functions for input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems with integrable inputs. IFAC-PapersOnLine, pages 5336-5341, 2020. pdf BibTeX
- Noroozi, N.; Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. R A relaxed small-gain theorem for discrete-time infinite networks. Proc. of 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3102-3107, 2020. BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Mironchenko, A.; Schmid, J. and Wirth, F. Stability of infinitely many interconnected systems. Proc. of 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, pages 937-942, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Prieur, C. and Wirth, F. Design of saturated controls for an unstable parabolic PDE. Proc. of 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, pages 937-942, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Small gain theorems for networks of heterogeneous systems. Proc. of 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, pages 925-930, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. Small-gain theorems for stability of infinite networks. Proc. of 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5617-5622, 2019. pdf BibTeX
- Jacob, B.; Mironchenko, A.; Partington, J. R. and Wirth, F. Remarks on input-to-state stability and non-coercive Lyapunov functions. Proc. of 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4803-4808, 2018. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Karafyllis, I. and Krstic, M. Input-to-state stability of nonlinear parabolic PDEs with Dirichlet boundary disturbances. Proc. of 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 38-44, 2018. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Integral uniform global asymptotic stability and non-coercive Lyapunov functions. Proc. of 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 734-741, 2018. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. A non-coercive Lyapunov framework for stability of distributed parameter systems. Proc. of 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1900-1905, 2017. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Input-to-state stability of time-delay systems: Criteria and open problems. Proc. of 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3719-3724, 2017. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Restatements of input-to-state stability in infinite dimensions: what goes wrong?. Proc. of 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 667-674, 2016. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. Global converse Lyapunov theorems for infinite-dimensional systems. Proc. of 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, pages 909-914, 2016. pdf BibTeX
- Yang, G.; Liberzon, D. and Mironchenko, A. Analysis of different Lyapunov function constructions for interconnected hybrid systems. Proc. of 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 465-470, 2016. BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Ito, H. Construction of iISS Lyapunov functions for interconnected parabolic systems. Proc. of 2015 European Control Conference, pages 37-42, 2015. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Wirth, F. A note on input-to-state stability of linear and bilinear infinite-dimensional systems. Proc. of 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 495-500, 2015. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Stability of nonlinear infinite dimensional impulsive systems and their interconnections. Proc. of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 2071-2076, 2014. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Lyapunov methodology for stability analysis of impulsive systems. Proceedings CD of SICE Multi Symposium on Control Systems 2014, 2014. BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Yang, G. and Liberzon, D. Lyapunov small-gain theorems for not necessarily ISS hybrid systems. Proc. of 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pages 1001-1008, 2014. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Ito, H. Integral input-to-state stability of bilinear infinite-dimensional systems. Proc. of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3155-3160, 2014. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A.; Wirth, F. and Wulff, K. Stabilization of switched linear differential-algebraic equations via time-dependent switching signals. Proc. of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5975-5980, IEEE, 2013. pdf BibTeX
- Mironchenko, A. and Kozlowski, J. Optimal allocation strategies of perennial plants. Proc. of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3361-3366, IEEE, 2013. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Dwell-time conditions for robust stability of impulsive systems. Proc. of 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2012. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Constructions of ISS-Lyapunov functions for interconnected impulsive systems. Proc. of 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 6831-6836, IEEE, 2012. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. Local ISS of reaction-diffusion systems. Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, pages 11018-11023, 2011. pdf BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Karimi, H. R.; Kosmykov, M.; Mironchenko, A. and Naujok, L. Application of the LISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii small-gain theorem to autonomously controlled production networks with time-delays. Proc. of 10th Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, pages 765-770, Citeseer, 2010. BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S.; Kreowski, H. J.; Kuske, S.; Mironchenko, A.; Naujok, L. and Von Totth, C. Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability. Proc. of 3rd International Workshop on Graph Computation Models, pages 17-32, 2010. BibTeX
- Dashkovskiy, S. and Mironchenko, A. On the uniform input-to-state stability of reaction-diffusion systems. Proc. of 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 6547-6552, IEEE, 2010. BibTeX
Master's Theses- Mironchenko, A. Mathematical modeling of agrocoenosis (in Russian). Master's Thesis, Department of Applied Mathematics, Mechnikov Odessa National University, 2008. BibTeX
Misc- Mironchenko, A. Input-to-state stability of distributed parameter systems. , Habilitation thesis. Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Passau. pdf BibTeX
PhD Theses- Mironchenko, A. Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional control systems. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bremen, 2012. pdf BibTeX